================================================================ S.A.S (Special Air Service) Plug-in Quake2 player model by HitmanDaz e-mail: daz@cybermodels.co.uk (Darren Pattenden) www.cybermodels.co.uk ================================================================ DESCRIPTION: Based on the British anti-terrorist force,the Special Air Service. Full permission was given for inclusion in this Action Quake2 release. INSTALLATION: Unzip the files into a folder called SAS in your Quake2/baseq2/ players directory. Copy all the sound files from the male player folder into your SAS folder. TOOLS USED: 3dstudio Max and character studio for modelling and animation. Q2 modeller for compiling and NST and PaintShopPro for mapping and skinning. COMMENTS: Please consult me If you wish to use this model for anything other than personal use. CREDITS: id software,Npherno for the awesome NST,Phillip Martin for the equally essential Q2modeller and the boys at Planetquake.com/q2pmp. I'll get round to doing some other skins when I'm finished on Dungeon Keeper 2! Enjoy! Daz www.cybermodels.co.uk/html/dazhome.html